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Showing posts from November, 2012


Thats all we get. Yes, thats all we ever get....moments with people we love.........what is the guarantee that what is there today will stay tomorrow? Who says what you have will stay with you? Where is the assurance that what you dont have today will or will not come to you ever? No assurances......nothing like just doesn't work that way..... Everybody tells you what to to do things.....where to go.....but do they know any better? No! Nobody has any idea what life has in store for you...well they dont even know awaits them on the next corner, let alone knowing about you.....they are just trying to nice.....with no idea what you are going through.....the only person who will ever know with any clarity how you are feeling is you....because its only you who experienced.....nobody is even remotely aware....they may have been in the same place once...but then every person reacts to situations in a totally different way. Every perso

i Am Smart

Festival time!! You take lots of colorful make a lot of lovely videos with your children and your visiting family and friends.....and then you share  the pictures with those members of your family and friends that have missed out on the! pretty simple huh?.....Of course!With my smart phone I can do all that and much more.....I can browse the net, have access to my emails, I can share my work and leisure with my friends, I can chat with them any time of day and night......all with just my smart phone!

The Jack of All Trades

Hey guys, its been really long since I fought the biggest hindrance in a blogger's life-laziness-and wrote anything. But then the mere thought of y'all forgetting me was so overwhelming that I decided to say hello, at least! Now you must be wondering what I have been doing all this while...well, other than fighting laziness, of course.....(although, its not totally untrue to say I haven't wondered the same myself....really...what HAVE I been doing?).....although its always easy to escape to the most rehearsed answer, working, of course! But today, I felt this inexplicable need to share my thoughts....not that I haven't felt the need to share my thoughts during my 'lazy break', but today I decided to make time and actually share my thoughts....( a positive sign, surely...) Now, while I have been away from you guys...well, I have done quite a few things actually